Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Chicago Chariot Festival of India 2013

Every year Rogers Park has a great tradition that is built from it's culturally diversity, The Chicago Chariot Festival of India.

The festival, both this year and last, starts at 1610 W. Howard Street and moves down to Rogers Avenue and goes all the way down Sheridan Road to Greenleaf Avenue where it spreads it's merriment throughout Loyola Beach.

Throughout the parade, water and food is handed put while people chant "Hare Krishna" dance and have an overall boisterous good time.

Once the parade ends at Loyola Beach, fruit is tossed into the crowd and a free indian-style meal is provided at no charge for all the attendees. Tents are set-up that provide information about Indian Culture, books and other wares are available for sale, face painting, puppet shows, it's all there for the community to enjoy.

Below are photos from this year's Chicago Chariot Festival of India. The videos will be up as soon as possible, thank you.
